Monday, August 11, 2014

Protect word file using C# : Word automation step by step

     Security is the Most heard and most important 'keyword' in IT industry, Everyone want their documents play a secure travel, should not attack by spam or any intruder. Really, security is the main concern in now world, we can make word file secure by using password protection.
word security

What is our aim:
       protect word file using C# word automation

What we need:
      C#, Interop libraries

What are the different security can be assigned to word file:
         There are multiple types security we can assign to word file
1. Read-only protection
2. Comment only protection
3. Track revision protection

Read Only protection:
It Allow read-only access to the document.

Comment only protection:
It allows Allow only comments to be added to the document.

Track revision protection:
It Allow only revisions to be made to existing content.

Lets code it, (Protect word file):
To protect word file programmatically we need to add reference of interop assemblies in our code, I have explained it in my previous article you can check here
checkout below code snippet to protect file as 'ReadOnly'
         object objMiss = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;  
         object fileToOpen = Application.StartupPath + "\\test.doc";  
         object szPassword = "Pass";  
         object bFalse = false;  
         object bTrue = true;  
         //Start Word and create a new document.  
         objApp = new Word.Application();  
         objDoc = objApp.Documents.Open(ref fileToOpen, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss,  
                         ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss,  
                         ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss);  
         if (objDoc.ProtectionType == Word.WdProtectionType.wdNoProtection)  
           objDoc.Protect(Word.WdProtectionType.wdAllowOnlyReading, ref bFalse, ref szPassword, ref bFalse, ref bTrue);  
           MessageBox.Show("Word document Protected successfully (for Read only)!", "Word Protect", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);  
           MessageBox.Show("Word document is already protected !", "Word Protect", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);  

In above code snippet we have used method  Protect of document class and pass 'wdAllowOnlyReading' enumeration and just save document with password. it is enough to accomplish the task. so simple.
like wise we can protect document with  'Comment ' and 'TrackRevision' protection

Unprotect word file:
Now after protection we can unprotect word file using Unprotect method of document class
see below snippet
         object objMiss = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;  
         object fileToOpen = Application.StartupPath + "\\test.doc";  
         object szPassword = "Pass";  
         object bFalse = false;  
         object bTrue = true;  
         //Start Word and create a new document.  
         objApp = new Word.Application();  
         objDoc = objApp.Documents.Open(ref fileToOpen, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss,  
                         ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss,  
                         ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss, ref objMiss);  
         if (objDoc.ProtectionType != Word.WdProtectionType.wdNoProtection)  
           objDoc.Unprotect(ref szPassword);  

So, with the above example we can say it is easy to protect and unprotect document programmatically.
You can get full source code here

    As we know word is heavy object so do not forget to close and dispose it, I have explained it in my previous blog

Someone said, there is always scope for improvement. so I think its a on going think for programming too. Finally we have ready with our code, it is very simple to protect a file with customized password, still many things to discover with word and C#, we can them one by one in near future till then enjoy this stuff and be happy with C# and Word

Suggestions and comments/doubts are always welcome

Happy Programming
- Prasad

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Create a word table using C# : Word Automation step by step

Our Aim: Create a word file programmatically and create a table in it

Things we need : C#, Word interop object

Word Automation

Getting started

Many times in real world scenario, we need to create our reports in word file, Means we need to export 'things' to word file. In such cases we need to create and write word file programmatically and to accomplish the task .NET will help you, COM winword interop library will play a role for you.

follow the steps below to know how to do it
1. Create a simple windows/web/wpf application (You may take console application or class library too, here I have used windows application in C# with Visual studio 2010)
2. Now just right click on solution explorer, click on Add reference and select COM tab
3. Select Word com library (If you have word 2007 installed you will see 12.0 object library, if you have word 2010 installed you will see 14.0 object library and for word 2013 you will see 16.0 object library)
see below snap

4. Add reference, Now in reference folder of solution explorer you will see 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.word' library added.
5. Now we are ready to code, first we need to create a new word document using C#
6. Import word namespace and create word object
see below snap
   Word._Application objApp;  
   Word._Document objDoc;  
   objApp = new Word.Application();  
   objApp.Visible = true;  
   objDoc = objApp.Documents.Add(ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);  

With the help of above code we can able to create a new word file. (Note: Do not ever create new object of word document.) .Visible property will open a new word file.
7. Now to add a new table in word document, we need to define bookmark first (which is the range of word document from which we need to start writing the things)
see below snap to define default bookmark of word document

 object objMiss = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;  
 object objEndOfDocFlag = "\\endofdoc"; /* \endofdoc is a predefined bookmark */  

8. Yes, we have successfully defined 'end of doc' flag, now we can first add some caption to table with the help of Paragraph object (Paragraph object is a object which used to write some text in word document)
see below snap

 Word.Paragraph objPara1; //define paragraph object  
 object oRng = objDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref objEndOfDocFlag).Range; //go to end of the page  
 objPara1 = objDoc.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oRng); //add paragraph at end of document  
 objPara1.Range.Text = "Test Table Caption"; //add some text in paragraph  
 objPara1.Format.SpaceAfter = 10; //defind some style  
 objPara1.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); //insert paragraph  

Here we have define a paragraph and insert that paragraph to end of the document.
9. Now we need to define a rows and columns for table that we need to draw. Here I have draw a table with 2 rows and 2 columns
In code, Simply go to the end of the document and create 2X2 table, see below snippet

  Word.Table objTab1;  
       Word.Range objWordRng = objDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref objEndOfDocFlag).Range;  
       objTab1 = objDoc.Tables.Add(objWordRng, 2, 2, ref objMiss, ref objMiss);  
       objTab1.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 6;  
       int iRow, iCols;  
       string strText;  
       for (iRow = 1; iRow <= 2; iRow++)  
         for (iCols = 1; iCols <= 2; iCols++)  
           strText = "r" + iRow + "c" + iCols;  
           objTab1.Cell(iRow, iCols).Range.Text = strText;  
       objTab1.Rows[1].Range.Font.Bold = 1;  
       objTab1.Rows[1].Range.Font.Italic = 1;  

 Here we have create a 'word.table' object and add some text with the help of Range object
  //Add text after the chart.  
       objWordRng = objDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref objEndOfDocFlag).Range;  
       objWordRng.InsertAfter("THE END.");  

We have done with the task. lets checkout the final code as Whole

checkout here,
       object objMiss = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;  
       object objEndOfDocFlag = "\\endofdoc"; /* \endofdoc is a predefined bookmark */  
       //Start Word and create a new document.  
       Word._Application objApp;  
       Word._Document objDoc;  
       objApp = new Word.Application();  
       objApp.Visible = true;  
       objDoc = objApp.Documents.Add(ref objMiss, ref objMiss,  
         ref objMiss, ref objMiss);  
       //Insert a paragraph at the end of the document.  
       Word.Paragraph objPara2; //define paragraph object  
       object oRng = objDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref objEndOfDocFlag).Range; //go to end of the page  
       objPara2 = objDoc.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oRng); //add paragraph at end of document  
       objPara2.Range.Text = "Test Table Caption"; //add some text in paragraph  
       objPara2.Format.SpaceAfter = 10; //defind some style  
       objPara2.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); //insert paragraph  
       //Insert a 2 x 2 table, (table with 2 row and 2 column)  
       Word.Table objTab1; //create table object  
       Word.Range objWordRng = objDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref objEndOfDocFlag).Range; //go to end of document  
       objTab1 = objDoc.Tables.Add(objWordRng, 2, 2, ref objMiss, ref objMiss); //add table object in word document  
       objTab1.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 6;  
       int iRow, iCols;  
       string strText;  
       for (iRow = 1; iRow <= 2; iRow++)  
         for (iCols = 1; iCols <= 2; iCols++)  
           strText = "row:" + iRow + "col:" + iCols;  
           objTab1.Cell(iRow, iCols).Range.Text = strText; //add some text to cell  
       objTab1.Rows[1].Range.Font.Bold = 1; //make first row of table BOLD  
       objTab1.Columns[1].Width = objApp.InchesToPoints(3); //increase first column width  
       //Add some text after table  
       objWordRng = objDoc.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref objEndOfDocFlag).Range;  
       objWordRng.InsertParagraphAfter(); //put enter in document  
       objWordRng.InsertAfter("THIS IS THE SIMPLE WORD DEMO : THANKS YOU.");  
       object szPath = "test.docx";  
       objDoc.SaveAs(ref szPath);  

Summing Up
So, we have seen with the help of bit code, we can develop a nice word table application.
If you want to download source code then you may follow the link
Click here to download Source Code

COM interop is not a single cup of tea, There are thousands of things needs to discuss, we can cover them one by one in later article
Suggestions and Doubts are welcome.

Thanking You

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Simple encryption in .NET using XOR technique

Passwords are essential thing in virtual world, it is the thing which keeps you safe, If someone else gains access to your account, they may cause you a great deal of trouble - perhaps deleting your files,  hack other systems or may stolen crucial data from your system.
so while development a big/small and web/windows application you need to keep password for your account. A password with a plain text is always a danger since it can be easily Move stealthily by someone so, we need to make our plain text password to some tricky thing and thus here we need some type of 'ENCRYPTION'.

Many times we need to encrypt the string in our application, it may be used for login password, transaction password, secret key etc.
In this post, I will explain how to encrypt a string using C# with XOR encryption technique
.NET provide inbuilt encryption technique using 'System.Cryptography' namespace and various in-built encryption algorithms like,
4.Triple DES
9.IDEA,RC2,RC5,SEED,Skipjack,TEA,XTEA etc

Here we go for some different technique apart from above algorithms

XOR encryption (exclusive disjunction (XOR) operation):
The XOR operator is extremely common and execute with the help of binary operations.
One of the cool things about XOR encryption is that when you apply it twice, you get back the original string
In this encryption we convert our Plain text and key to 8-bit ASCII format and then apply X-OR operation on them and same thing is done for decryption.

Let's Cook:
Things we need : C# windows/web application
Write a function in C# which accept a plain text and a key to encrypt the text
see below snippet
     public string EncryptDecrypt(string szPlainText, int szEncryptionKey)  
       StringBuilder szInputStringBuild = new StringBuilder(szPlainText);  
       StringBuilder szOutStringBuild = new StringBuilder(szPlainText.Length);  
       char Textch;  
       for (int iCount = 0; iCount < szPlainText.Length; iCount++)  
         Textch = szInputStringBuild[iCount];  
         Textch = (char)(Textch ^ szEncryptionKey);  
       return szOutStringBuild.ToString();  

Now we have ready with the code in which we have accept the plain text and key to encrypt the text. Finally we have apply XOR operation on plain text
Above function will give you Encrypted string and Same function with same key will return your Decrypted string
I have call above function and pass plain text and a key to it.

 txtEncryptedText.Text = EncryptDecrypt(txtPlainText.Text, 200);  

I got following result, see below snaps


Now to Decrypt the encrypted string just call same function and pass the encrypted string to it (Do not change encryption key)
Now this simple encryption is ready to use anywhere you want.

Monday, June 2, 2014

How to resolved error 'Make sure AjaxControlToolkit. Properties. Resources. NET4.resources was correctly embedded'

Do you want to use AJAXControltoolkit 4 ? Are you stuck with following error occurred when you run your code

Error Message:
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture.  Make sure "AjaxControlToolkit.Properties.Resources.NET4.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "AjaxControlToolkit" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

This error occurred when An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request, basically when you use any AJAX control but does not refer a ajax library in your page then Ajaxcontoltoolkit unable to load reference of that control from System.Qeb.UI.Contol namespace and hence it produce such error


Add "Script Manager" in ASPX page as below

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<cc1:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server"> </cc1:ToolkitScriptManager>


<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>

Hope it Helps to resolve the issue

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Convert string to DateTime object

Many times we need to convert a sting variable to datetime, and we use 'Convert.ToDateTime' method but it results throws a FormatException
See below snap

in above case I have a date string and I was trying to convert it to date time but it fails and gives me exception "String was not recognized as valid Date Time" (this is one of the famous exception)

Tips to avoid error:
          When we use  'Convert.ToDateTime' method compiler assumes given date string in month,  day, and year respectively, If value contains only a date and no time, this method assumes a time of midnight (which may not right every time)
 To avoid this error you should know exact dateTime format of input string in order to convert it to dateTime object, Use DateTime.ParseExact Method resolve the issue
 see below snippet

string dt = "24/12/2010";
DateTime dt1;
//always use InvariantCulture for dateformat provider as it support large number of customized datetime formats
System.Globalization.CultureInfo provider = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
dt1 = DateTime.ParseExact(dt, "dd/MM/yyyy", provider);
MessageBox.Show("String successfully converted to DateTime" + dt1.Year); 

DateTime.ParseExact  method will, Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to its DateTime equivalent using the specified format and culture-specific format information. The format of the string representation must match the specified format exactly.

The function can be used widely supported in following frames
- .NET Framework(1.1 to 4.5)
- .NET Framework Client Profile
- Portable Class Library
- .NET for Windows Store apps
- .NET for Windows Phone apps

This basic conversion snippet will help you get rid of error 'String was not recognized as valid Date Time'